In today’s world, there is an increasing number of cosmetic treatments that truly regenerate the skin, instead of just reducing the appearance of aging. Nuance Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery is proud to offer laser skin rejuvenation in Las Vegas, Nevada, as part of our non-surgical lineup. This non-invasive treatment stimulates your body’s own repair processes, giving you a more natural look compared to Botox or facelifts.
What Does Laser Skin Rejuvenation Treat?
Laser skin rejuvenation treatments target a number of concerns on your face, neck, and decolfufletage. These include:
- Fine lines and wrinkles, such as crow’s feet
- Uneven skin tone, including that from pigmentation and damaged or enlarged blood vessels.
- Sagging of the skin and its connective tissue, such as “marionette” lines from your nose to mouth.
- Scars, including acne and surgical scars
- Warts
- Enlarged pores
Benefits of Laser Rejuvenation for the Skin
Laser rejuvenation as a facial treatment may help you appear 5-10 years younger overall, and sometimes even more. Before and after photos in peer-reviewed research show reductions in fine lines and uneven pigmentation, as well as a reduced severity of sagging. Studies that analyze biopsies under the microscope demonstrate improved collagen density, so the results aren’t an imagined placebo effect.
Additionally, there is a significant improvement to uneven skin tone, including both pigmentation deposits and blown out blood vessels. People with scarring also show more significant fading, as the laser treatment increases the rate of tissue remodeling and repair.
How Does Laser Skin Rejuvenation Work?
Laser skin rejuvenation works by overheating the collagen in your dermis, the connective tissue layer of your skin. This triggers your natural regenerative processes, which naturally overcompensate for the minor, manageable degree of damage. Older ablative types of laser vaporize the top layers of skin, but these are largely replaced by non-ablative lasers. Non-ablative lasers, including non-ablative fractional lasers, do not destroy tissue.
At Nuance Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery, we use the ICON laser system. It combines a suite of laser and IPL therapies with the Skintel live melanin reader, which allows us to find the ideal treatment parameters for your safety and the best results.
Recovery and Contraindications
Recovery after laser skin rejuvenation is minimal. You may need to avoid strong sunlight for a few days, but you can use all of your usual personal care products and do all of your usual activities.
It’s best to avoid laser skin rejuvenation as a facial treatment if you are currently struggling with acne breakouts or if you have severe sagging. Fortunately, it’s an outdated myth that laser therapy is unsafe for dark skin, because there are now lasers available for people of all complexions.
What Procedures Can Be Combined with Laser Rejuvenation?
The safety of laser facial treatments means they can be combined with other interventions, too. Dermal fillers, Botox, platelet-rich plasma (PRP), and even invasive procedures such as facelifts are possible add-on treatments.
At Nuance, Dr. Mehdi Sina and Dr. Jeannie Khavkin have curated the best in current cosmetic treatments to help you look and feel your best.