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Cosmetic treatments that focus on wrinkles alone don’t affect other complaints you may have, such as acne or sun damage. Fortunately, there is a way to reduce the severity of wrinkles, dull skin, acne, and sun damage all at once, which is why many patients visit us for a chemical peel in Las Vegas at Nuance Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery.
Chemical peels are a popular, non-invasive method of reducing wrinkles and signs of aging that facelifts don’t affect. Contact Nuance Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery to see if they’re suitable for you.
A chemical peel is a process for removing the outer layers of skin or exfoliation. The chemical not only removes unwanted skin, it also stimulates the newer skin underneath to be firmer, thicker, and plumper—essentially making your skin look younger. Chemical peels are used for many reasons such as improving the look of sun-damaged skin, reducing the appearance of acne scars, and lightening dark spots or blotchy areas.
Who Can Have a Chemical Peel?
Certain individuals should not have chemical peels, including people with eczema, psoriasis, or rosacea. If you are pregnant or have recently used certain skin treatments such as Retin-A or Accutane, a chemical peel may need to be postponed. Your plastic surgeon will review your medical history and examine your skin to make sure you are a candidate for a chemical peel.
Chemical Peels Procedure
The procedure for a chemical peel treatment varies slightly by the type you choose.
During a light chemical peel facial, your skin is cleansed before the solution is brushed onto your face and left for several minutes. This is then washed off and neutralized, so it doesn’t go too deep.
As for a medium peel, the steps are similar, except the treated area may turn whitish or slightly grey. A saline compress is the typical method of neutralizing the peel.
Deeper peels are more, well, in-depth. You will be given a local anesthetic to numb your face, and possibly a sedative. After cleansing, phenol is brushed onto your skin and washed off after an appropriate time.
Types of Chemical Peels
Different chemicals treat different depths of skin problems. These treatments are divided into three categories: superficial, medium, and deep chemical peels.
Superficial chemical peels only target the outer layer of skin. These peels are usually mild acids such as alpha-hydroxy acids or a lower concentration of glycolic acid. Superficial chemical peels are sometimes called lunchtime peels because there is very little risk and very little downtime. That said, lunchtime peels are not as effective or long lasting as deeper chemical peels.
Medium chemical peels target the two outer layers of skin, extending deeper than superficial chemical peels. Medium chemical peels are stronger acids, such as a higher concentration of glycolic acid or trichloroacetic acid (also known as TCA). Medium depth peels are best for improving age spots, lightening freckles, and smoothing rough skin and fine wrinkles.
Deep chemical peels penetrate deeply into the middle layer of skin, where moderate wrinkles and unwanted pigments are located. Deep chemical peels include substances such as concentrated TCA and phenol. Deep chemical peels often yield dramatic results, removing fine to moderate wrinkles, lightening age spots, diminishing shallow acne scars, and eliminating freckles.
What to Expect Right After a Chemical Peel?
Even the best professional chemical peels require a recovery time. However, you can start to notice the benefits anywhere between several days to a month after treatment. A reduced severity of acne and uneven skin tone may become noticeable before any improvements to wrinkles, as chemical peels only trigger connective tissue regeneration; they do not supply more collagen to the skin.
A light peel will only cause mild stinging, irritation, and skin flaking, and you will need to wear sunscreen for a week or two. After a medium chemical peel, you must avoid direct sun exposure for several months, as the new skin won’t tan normally. The redness and stinging are comparable with severe sunburn, and it may take several weeks to completely resolve. As for deep peels, redness, peeling, and crusting can last a few weeks, and swelling will generally resolve in a fortnight. You may, however, have redness for up to three months