
Face Tite

One of the most obvious signs of aging is the appearance of sagging skin on the face and neck. Patients seeking a less invasive facial rejuvenation option may benefit from FaceTite in Las Vegas. FaceTite is a highly effective skin treatment that employs targeted radiofrequency (RF) energy to tighten and lift facial skin and reduce excess fat without causing cellular damage. Qualified candidates can achieve exceptional results with far less recovery and expense than traditional surgery. 

If you’re in Las Vegas, Nuance’s FaceTite procedure may be a superior alternative to traditional facelifts. 

Who is a Candidate for FaceTite?

Healthy patients that have mild to moderate skin laxity are usually considered good candidates. During your consultation, Dr. Jeannie Khavkin will discuss your goals and options for the best way to achieve them. Nuance Aesthetics and Plastic Surgery offers many alternative skin procedures if FaceTite is not the best solution for your aesthetic needs.

Candidates for FaceTite

Consider visiting our Las Vegas clinic for a FaceTite consultation if: 

  • You are aged between 35 and 60
  • Your neck and jawline have lost their youthful definition 
  • Your problem areas involve difficult to reach areas such as your malar bags or nasolabial folds (laugh lines)
  • You have had a facelift or necklift, but are experiencing sagging once more (and are of any age)

Benefits of FaceTite

First, you will notice a reduction in excess fat, which may also decrease the appearance of sagging or puffiness once the swelling resolves. It’s common to see significant improvements after 6-8 weeks, when new collagen becomes noticeable. This regeneration process can last anywhere between 9-12 months.

In general, patients will see about a 30% improvement within the first week after the skin procedure. Final results will come gradually for up to one year. 

FaceTite Procedure

The FaceTite procedure is becoming more popular in Las Vegas thanks to its minimally invasive nature. You only need local anesthetic.

First, a small incision creates an access point that a probe travels through, into the subcutaneous zone containing collagen and fat. It then uses Radiofrequency-Assisted Lipolysis to destroy fat cells and stimulate the production of collagen at the same time. In total, the procedure takes one to two hours, and it’s safe enough to be performed in an office. 

FaceTite Recovery

As there is little to no pain involved with the FaceTite procedure, and swelling mostly resolves within four days, you may only experience mild limitations and discomfort. 

Incisions are small enough that the scarring is minimal and virtually undetectable. Patients can be tender and swollen for 5-7 days, and should be able to return to work and exercise after the initial week of recovery. Redness and bruising may also occur. It’s best to avoid strenuous activity for two to four weeks, however. 


To learn more about receiving the FaceTite procedure at Nuance’s Las Vegas clinic, contact us via the form below. 

Before & After Gallery


Yes, FaceTite involves minimal incisions and a shorter recovery time compared to traditional surgery, so it’s safe for most people.
The cost of FaceTite ranges may vary depending on the size of your treatment area. Despite the exceptional skills and experience of your surgeon at Nuance in Las Vegas, the prices for their FaceTite procedure remain highly competitive in the industry.
The results of FaceTite can last up to five years, or even longer. It’s technically permanent, but normal facial aging reverses the collagen regeneration.
FaceTite can treat any area of the face or neck that shows moderate facial aging, including wrinkles and sagging, alongside unwanted fat deposits.

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