
Submental Liposuction

What Is Submental Liposuction?

Submental liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure used to eliminate stubborn neck fat or a “double chin.” This gives you a more youthful, proportionate facial appearance, and is commonly requested after weight loss if stubborn neck fat remains. Double chin lipo is popular among Las Vegas patients and visitors as a complement to other cosmetic surgeries, such as a neck lift and face lift. 

Who Is An Ideal Candidate For Submental Liposuction? 

Patients who are at or near their ideal weight but still experiencing neck fullness or a “double chin” are candidates for submental liposuction. After this minimally invasive submental liposuction, patients can expect a sharper neck angle and greater definition along the jawline.

Who Is Not A Candidate For Submental Liposuction? 

Patients with recent weight gain are not ideal candidates for submental liposuction. Additionally, patients with visible neck bands may not be good candidates for submental liposuction as this procedure may worsen the appearance of neck bands.

How Is Submental Liposuction Performed? 

This procedure is minimally invasive and can be safely performed under local anesthesia in less than 1 hour. Three very small incisions are made – one in the natural chin crease and 1 behind each ear lobe and a liposuction cannula inserted to remove the excess neck fat.

Your surgeon controls the cannula with one hand, while feeling for the presence of excess fat with the other. They know when the procedure is done once they can no longer feel significant fat deposits. 

Preparation for liposuction under the chin is similar to other minor cosmetic procedures. It’s important to stop blood thinning medication and supplements several weeks beforehand, quit smoking, and stop using stimulants a few days before surgery. You will also speak with your doctor before a surgery date is scheduled, including the results you can expect and recovery instructions. 

How Long Does It Take To Recover From Submental Liposuction? 

Patients will experience some swelling after the procedure but minimal pain. The swelling will improve dramatically within the first week and will resolve completely in the ensuing 1-2 weeks. The incisions are virtually invisible once they have healed.

Submental liposuction does have a few potential risks. Bruising is an expected complication, as is swelling. This may look like temporary weight gain, but should resolve on its own. The most serious risks are nerve damage, which may appear as mild alterations in sensation, and blood vessel complications such as fat entering the vessels. 

The price of double chin plastic surgery in Las Vegas can vary significantly, with potential costs spanning a wide range. This variation is influenced by factors such as the extent of fat removal, the type of medications administered, the expertise of your surgeon, and any additional procedures conducted simultaneously.


After submental liposuction, you will most likely notice: 

  1. Removal of your double chin
  2. Improved physical proportions if you have reached your weight loss goals everywhere but your neck. 
  3. A more prominent jawline
  4. For older patients, an overall younger appearance. 


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