Our eyes convey many messages. They can show surprise, happiness, excitement, or sadness. They convey subtle hints and provide important information during human conversation. The eyes tell another story—a story not everyone wants to tell. The eyes tell a person’s age. Premature aging of the eyes may tell the wrong story, making people seem old older, more tired, and less healthy than they really are. Fortunately, eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty can set the story straight, by removing years from a person’s eyes.
While the visible surface of the eye stays virtually the same throughout life, the eyelids go through some profound changes with age. The timing of eye aging varies widely from person to person, the signs of eye aging are usually the same for everyone. Sometimes aging eyelids are simply a function of normal aging, but they can also be due to certain illnesses or even genetics.
As with most skin, eyelids lose their elasticity with age. The upper and lower eyelids begin to sag; upper eyelid sagging causes ptosis (drooping eyelid), while lower eyelid sagging gives the appearance of puffy eyes. Moreover, the lower eyelids tend to bulge out as fatty deposits under the eye become more prominent. This bulging is commonly known as bags under the eyes. The lower eyelid may also become darkened, which is believed to be caused by changes to muscle and fat in the lower lid. The lids may also develop extra folds or creases. This is especially noticeable in the upper eyelids, but can been seen in the lower lids as well. These signs of eyelid aging are immediately apparent, though several cosmetic procedures are available to restore and improve the look of eyelids throughout most of the aging process.